May 9, 2009 we are hosting our first Nantucket Organic Vegetable fete.
This is a workshop for the community, and any and all who wish to learn more about growing organic vegetables. Workshops will be lead by community members with experience in organic vegetable growing.
Subjects covered will be:
In ground growing
Container growing
Square foot gardening - book
Lasagna gardening - book
Raised bed gardening
These are just different methods of planting and or preparing your soil - two marked have books published.
Emphasis will be on soil preparation ( most critical in organic growing) soil amendments, organic fertilizers.
We will also discuss seeding, seeding schedules, replacing crops thru summer (lettuce) perennial vegetable crops, what plants work on Nantucket, how to plant, maintenance, managing pests, fencing, pollinators (bees mostly) composting, harvest.
Real nitty gritty of how you do it start to finish
This is a community project, working with sustainable nantucket, nantucket land council, and just gardeners - some more experienced than others - sharing our strengths and skills. Call me at 508-228-2093, of course there will be rain dates. expect to bring your own tools.
Workshops will run about 1 hr and will be scheduled, you may attend one , or all, registration will help us plan. we hope to have other resources here for consultation on their product
There will be a charge for the workshops, we need to cover costs for handouts, materials used in demonstrating garden types
Be there or be square! 84 Egan lane (off OldSouth) at The Gardens - park considerately - don't block the road for my neighbors.
Register : eatyourgarden@hotmail.com or phone 508-228-2093, expect to leave a message and someone will return your call.
Try this: http://eatthegarden.blogspot.com
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